Saturday, June 8, 2013

Greetings from Colorful Colorado!

On Wednesday, June 5th, Professor (the oldest of my three cats) and I packed up the Alero with whatever I thought I might need for a two week stay in our new apartment and headed west from Boone.  We arrived about 10 1/2 hours later in Aurora, Colorado.  So the adventure is officially underway.  I have rented a 700 sq ft 1 bedroom apartment for the next three months.  It's on the third floor (top floor) of the apartment building with a nice balcony view to the south.  Unfortunately, the mountains are to the west.  Right now the apartment feels quite roomy.  Of course, I only brought what would fit into the car :-).

I have spent the last few days checking out the neighborhood.  I have found Target, King Soopers (grocery store), Hobby Lobby, and Wal-Mart -- all the essentials!  Getting around really hasn't been all that bad.  I try to check the map before I leave the apartment and then just be patient.  The Denver metro is similar to Des Moines in that there are certain main roads that pretty much go from one end to the other.  As long as I stick to those main roads I can get around without getting lost.

I ventured to downtown Denver this morning to my uncle's apartment.  Then he and I walked along the Cherry Creek Trail to Confluence Park and back.  It was about a two hour walk with good conversation and excellent weather.  The picture below is a Night Heron that has hung out at that area of the trail for a number of years.  My uncle hadn't seen it yet this year and was fearful that it had died over the winter.  But there it was sitting statue still about 5 feet from us!  Very cool for the middle of a big city.

Next week's goal is to make some real progress on finding employment.  Not sure what door God will open, but I'm going to make sure that I'm ready and don't miss it.

The current plan is to return to Boone on Tuesday, June 18.  I didn't get quite as much packing and organizing done as I wanted, so I need to come back a day earlier than I had hoped.  With the help of my siblings and siblings-in-law and my Boone friends, I plan to load a U-Haul truck on Thursday evening the 20th and begin the journey to get my "stuff" to Aurora.  I'm very concerned that I have more than 700 sq ft of "stuff", but I guess I'll just have to wait until the 21st to find out!

I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about all this.  The emotions have been all over the place -- excited, terrified, encouraged, lonely, relaxed, restless -- kind of like Iowa weather -- don't like it now, just wait a couple of hours and it will change.  I do know that I miss Ginger and the feeling of security I had with her in the house.  We have a double locked door and a gated complex, but the fears still sneak in especially at bed time.  Professor is fine as long as he is very close to me.  He has managed to find the sunshine for the few hours that it shines into the bedroom as can be seen below.  He keeps meowing and looking for his brother kitties.  They will begin their own adventure tomorrow as they hang out with some friends for the next three months.

Anyway, enough for now.  Thanks for all your support and encouragement with this great adventure.  Watch for more posts in the coming weeks.  Love to all, Cindy

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