Sunday, July 14, 2013

Two Firsts for Me

Last Wednesday, I experienced two things that in all my years coming to Colorado I have never experienced.  I completed a "moderate" hike to a beautiful mountain lake.  It was absolutely breathtaking.

Uncle Michael, Uncle Gerald and I set out from Denver to the Indian Peaks Wilderness by Nederland northwest of Denver.  It took us about an hour of curvy roads to get there.  (I have discovered that I have a tendency to carsickness, so Dramamine has become my good friend.)  The online guides warned of four miles of unpaved road to get to the trail head.  They did NOT however indicate the treacherous rocks that were present all along that road.  I think it took us almost half an hour to get from the pavement end to the trail head.  Michael did an excellent job of dodging the rocks.  We were wishing for a much higher profile vehicle!

The hike is an "out and back" hike which means we followed to same trail to the lake and back.  Basically, we went up one side of a valley, then down to cross a stream, then up the other side to the lake.  The hike is a little over 5 miles total.  We counted more than 30 streams that we crossed along the way.  Hikers that we met coming back from the lake as we were going up kept encouraging us that it was all worth it.  And they were very right!!!  I'll let the pictures speak of the beauty.

The path was pretty rugged.  Lots of rocks and tree roots required constant attention to where you put your feet.  I was glad to have a hiking stick to help keep balanced.

This interesting tree was along the path and just begged to have pictures taken with it.

As we neared the lake, we crossed a marshy bog.  Thankfully, the forest service has laid out these wooden posts to walk across.

The path went right through this fast moving stream.  We made it across both going out and back, but it did require balance and concentration.
Here is the "stream" at the bottom of the valley.  It is amazing how loud the water is as it rushes across the rocks.
One of the views across the valley.  You just don't see this in Iowa :-)

This is Diamond Lake.  Pictures just can't do justice to the size and beauty of the lake.  We watched a couple of hikers climbing on the rocks across the lake.  That would have elevated the hike from "moderate" to "very difficult".  Don't think I'm quite ready for that!
We sat on the rocks beside this stream to enjoy our lunch.  This is one of the streams that feeds into the lake.  An unbelievable lunchtime view.

No hike would be complete for me without pictures of the wild flowers along the path.  Lots and lots and lots of blooms this time of year.
This was a truly memorable hike.  The mountain lake was well worth the exertion to reach it.  The water is amazingly clear.  It was a bit windy when we were there, so it's difficult to see the clarity of the water from the pictures.  We did a lot more climbing -- up and down -- then on the other hikes I've been on.  The guides list this as a "moderate" as opposed to "easy" hike, and my calves would certainly affirm that!!!  I will say that I could feel the exertion for a couple of days after the hike.  I'm also ready to do more of these hikes!

As to the job search, I interviewed for a job in Colorado Springs last week.  I was told that they would make a decision about the job tomorrow (Monday) afternoon.  I think it would be a good fit for me.  It would allow me to stay out here and take more of these hikes!!!  You'll have to watch for an announcement -- or listen for the scream.  Headed back to Iowa late this week to help Dodi celebrate turning 50.  All four of the Olson kids will be together for the first time in 2 1/2 years.  I am so looking forward to seeing everyone.  Later......Cindy

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